The holidays are here!
I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the holidays, yet not quite ready at the same time. I managed to get the Halloween decorations down about a week after Halloween. I haven't put up any fall decorations, but I did put a Christmas wreath on the door.
I plan to do some baking, depending upon how I feel. I get to have a broken molar removed this week. Oddly, it doesn't hurt even though about half of it is missing. The only other teeth I've ever had removed were my wisdom teeth. I don't think that's a good reference as to how I'll feel after this tooth is pulled. I'll just have to wait and see.
I want to make sugar cookie cutouts. I haven't done that in many years. I've got color sugar and other candy sprinkles to decorate with, and I'm thinking of making a simple glaze to put on the cookies too. I'm not doing anything fancy, I just want to have some fun with them. This is the first year, I actually have enough counter space to be able to spread out the cookies. What are some of the things you're planning for the holidays.
I'm written the first draft of Phoenix, and am currently a few words short of 20,000 and I'm barely a 1/3 of the way through the outline. I rewrote the outline back in October, because the original felt story felt too rushed.
I will be sending out Holiday Cards again this year. If you would like to receive one from me, click the following link and fill out the form.
I have a new snail-mail address.
Rayne Rachels P.O. Box 818 McQueeney, TX 78123
I would love to hear from you.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!