Thursday, September 29, 2022

Fall and Changes

 It's FALL!!!

In my part of Texas, the mornings are starting to be cooler. For the past few mornings, I've been able to sit outside and work on edits. I love fall.  Halloween is just around the corner. New Halloween movies are coming out.

One of the best changes I've made in my life, is that I retired from the day job and am now a full time writer. We moved. I setup a new office. It's smaller than what I was in, but it's workable. I'm searching for my Halloween decorations. I have no idea what box they were put in, or where the box is. I've finished writing the draft of PHOENIX. On a sad note, I had to put to sleep one of my cats. My other kitty has become a clingy baby. She follows me around the house even more than she did before her partner in crime left us.

As of today, LUCIFER is not available in online I've unpublished it. It will be back in October with a new cover and a new blurb. I've taken the book through revisions and edits to make it better. I need to format the ebook and write the blurb. A new paperback will be uploaded at a later date. The interior of the paperback needs to be formatted. 

PHOENIX is in revision/edits. I'm excited about this story!

My Bryant Station Curves series will be unpublished in October. The books are going through revisions and will have new covers. Starting in November or December, each book in this series will be re-released in ebook. Paperbacks will follow.