Summer is definitely here! Where I'm at in Texas is HOT! The current temperature is 98F, but it feels like 102F. The air conditioner is running. Even with the a/c going, I can hear the birds and cicadas singing. Right now, there are dove in the backyard. I live on the backside of the staff housing on what used to be an military base, so my backdoor open up on to a field.
DH put out several bird feeders and over the weeks there has been a variety of birds visiting. Dove, mockingbirds, blue jays, cardinals (mated pair) are just a few. It's interesting to watch them. I've even seen a roadrunner hanging around the area.
There's other wildlife out here too. The trees are home to squirrels, woodpeckers and owls. Coyotes live in the area. I haven't seen them, but I have heard them late at night. It's kind of eerie to sitting up late and to suddenly hear the lonesome howl. I've seen a couple of deer, and DH tells me there is a fox living under the building where he works. Of course, we have the deadlier critters too. Workers have killed several rattlesnakes and copperheads already this summer, and a couple of the snakes were definitely not small either.
Surviving Ivy is live in ebook form at various vendors. Though it took me longer to write, I really enjoyed Ben and Ivy's story. If you have read it, leave a review and let others know about it. On Facebook, I have promos you can share. If you have a blog and want to post a cover, blurb, interview etc. just send me an email.
I am on Instagram and Facebook, if you want to follow me.
The paperback version will be available soon. The formatting is not finished, and the cover needs to be done.
I haven't started writing another book yet. Instead, I've been working on outlines. There are several books I want to write--for the series I already have out and for new series. I also have several ideas for series that I want to develop. So far I have two outlines ready and am about halfway through a third one. Ideas are flowing right now, so I'm trying to take advantage of it.