Thursday, December 18, 2014

What I Love About Christmas

Here are a few things I love about Christmas:

The lights
I love all the beautiful light displays. This year, there seems to be a lot more houses that have decorated. Some displays are simply, but others are over the top elaborate. Very pretty at night.

The decorations
I love all the decorations. I used to make wreaths, cards, cross stitch pieces.

The carols
There's always at least one radio station that has changed their normal play list to around the clock Christmas music.

The movies
Love the Christmas movies the Hallmark Channel has been showing.

The Christmas cartoons
 - Charlie Brown Christmas
 - Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
 - The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

The giving spirit
This time of year the spirit of giving and helping others seems to be more active. Maybe it's just the fact the news is looking for these stories at this time of the year.  Last night on the news, there was another story about someone who paid the lay-aways of various families.