Monday, July 8, 2019

Random Thoughts: Downsizing, Writing, and Alpha Wolf

The year is half over.


Where did the time go?

It amazes me how fast time seems to speed by, especially when you're busy.

For me, June flew by. I was busy planning to move, and then there was the packing (and cursing about the amount of junk we have), followed by the move itself, and the process of unpacking and figuring out were I'm going to put stuff. I gave away a lot of stuff before we actually moved. As we unpack, I'm realizing just how much stuff we have that hasn't been used in a long time, or multiples of things that I don't really need.

I want to downsize even more. Basically, I want to get to the point that I have only the stuff I'm actually using.

We're living in the duplex, but there are boxes everywhere. My office is about 75% ready. The other small bedroom has become the holding area for boxes. Once I get the rest of the storage shelving in place, I'll be able to unpack a number of the remaining boxes.

In other new...I'm working on Book 2 in the Starlight bar series. Some days, the writing has been slower than others, but I'm making progress. As soon as I hit the halfway mark, I will do a cover reveal.

This is the last month that Alpha Wolf will be in KU. At the end of the month, it will be pulled from KU, and released on the other vendor sites I normally publish on. It will still be available at Amazon to buy, it just won't be in the borrow program. If you have it borrowed, you should still be able to read it.

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