Life happens which means I can't control everything.
I can make plans but I have to be flexible because life happens. People get sick and emergencies happen (like DH and his heart issues). But its not always bad things that happen. Sometimes unexpected good things happen too. I have to take each event as it comes, and good or bad, deal with it. I have to realize that things like my writing have to be flexible even though I'm trying to maintain a schedule.
I like my bullet journal.
I started using a bullet journal on a regular basis back in August. I like it because I'm not stuck with just one layout. I can try different layouts each week or each month. I can incorporate lists and tracking charts. I can be as creative as I want to be, or if I don't feel like being creative, I can keep the spread to a minimal.
I've started setting up my bullet journal for 2018. The first list is my "2018 Goals" list. After that, I've created the various lists and charts that I will use all year long for tracking my writing stuff and other stuff I need to keep up with for the year. I've created a simple layout for my January weekly spreads. I know the idea with bullet journals is to plan more day by day, so to speak, but because of the future planning I need to do, I'm creating my monthly layouts ahead of time. I've thought about breaking the year up into quarters...three months with goals followed by a review section before moving into the next quarter. I will post pictures on my Instagram.
I like using a disc bound system for my project book.
Earlier this year I put together a disc bound notebook for my projects. I liked how it worked and the fact I could easily move things around in it. For 2018, I'm going to keep using it but I'm restructuring it. It will house several writing projects...outlines for current projects and notes for upcoming projects and outlines I'm working on. In many ways it will be an extension of my bullet journal. Once a project is completed, I will move that paperwork out of the binder and into a file folder for storage in the file drawer.
I like "playing" with my Happy Planner.
I have a Happy Planner with a six month extension calendar packet in it. I've created a couple of simple layouts for this week and one for next week which I posted a picture of on Instagram. It was fun playing with the layout. It also gave me ideas for my bullet journal and my project notebook. I may use it for some memory keeping.
I've debated whether or not to buy a 2018 Happy Planner. I'm trying not to do any impulse buying or buy things that I won't use. I do love and use the sticker books and need to get the one with the letters and numbers. And yes, I love stickers and pens!
The day job (a necessary evil) plays havoc with my writing.
There are days I wish I didn't have to go to the day job. I would love to be able to stay home and write full time. But for now, I need a full time job to pay for the basics. I love writing and it does provide for some of the extras. I'm hoping one day writing will be my full time job.
I need to make time for me.
This is a tough one, but I'm learning that I need to take time and do things for me. Often its just taking time to read or watch a movie. If I don't make time for me, no one else will.
Staying up late working doesn't work for me anymore.
I used to be able to stay up late working on projects, but as I get older and my days are busier, I'm finding I need more sleep. Often I have fallen asleep while working on something. Part of it is that I get up around 5:00 am for the day job and usually don't get home to about 5:00 pm. After I get home, I have to fix supper and do whatever chores that need to be done. Once this is done, then I sit down and try to write or work on project from the day job, though I do try to keep them at work for the most part.
I need to take time to have fun.
This is something DH and I are trying to do more often. For too many years, we've spent too much time focused on the day jobs, but we had to provide for the family. Now, we are starting to take time to go to the movies and short trips out of town. We're still not doing them as often as we would like, but we are trying.