Change is inevitable. Sometimes it happens even when we don't want it to happen. And sometimes it happens because we need it to happen.
Personal Changes
The last two months, DH was going back and forth with his cardiologist. One of the tests revealed his heart was functioning below normal levels. It was functioning on such a low level that his cardiologist told him no exercise of any kind and definitely no lifting or other such activities until they could figure out what was going on with DH's heart. The cardiologist was worried that DH could have a heart attack at any time. Long story short...DH went into the cath lab and ended up with two more stents to open up arteries/veins that had collapsed. We then had to go back for another test. The good news is that his heart is once again functioning at a normal rate for his heart.
As a result, diet, exercise, the push to lose more weight, as well as making more us time has changed. Neither of us knows what the future holds, but we do know that we don't have the time that we thought we had together, so we have to make the most of what we do have.
Blog Changes
I've made some changes to the blog. Hopefully they are changes for the better and will make it easier for you to navigate the site.
I've thought about changing the color, but I'm having trouble picking. Black seems to be my 'go to' color, but some may think it's too macabre, but then Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.
Writing Changes
Since Surviving Ivy came out, I've been working on outlines. I have three complete which are for the Durant Brothers series. It will be a three book series and it takes place two years after Surviving Ivy. I've just started writing the first book and this morning finished the first chapter. I've updated the Current Projects section with a place holder cover and a tidbit of information. Sometime in August, I will have a cover reveal and more information about the book.
I'm almost finished with the outline for Phoenix which is book 2 in the Brimstone Heat series. My goal is to finish the outline this weekend.
I need to start a new ideas book. I've thought about taking my Happy Planner (classic) and turn it into an ideas book but I also have a lot of composition books (non-spiral) that I need to use. Almost all of them have pretty designs on the covers. (I have a slight office/school supply addiction.) I use a disc-bound notebook for my current projects and other material and love being able to easily move things around. Decisions. Decisions.
My office is still a disaster area. I've decided that some how I need to purge the stuff I have again. I did this when we sold the house and manage to cut the stuff I had in my office in half. Now, as I look at everything I still have, I realize I need to do another purge.
Have a great weekend!